| 1. | He had told more lies in his time, and undergone more baseness of stratagem in order to stave off a small debt . 他一生说的谎,耍的卑鄙手段都不算少,但这一切只是为了躲一笔小小的债。 |
| 2. | Won ' t you forgive me such a small debt 这麽小小的一笔债,请你免了行吗 |
| 3. | Won ' t you forgive me such a small debt 这麽小小的一笔债,请你免了行吗 |
| 4. | When kang was accused , you ignored him for small debts 姜被陷害的时候你们为了一点点债务而熟视无睹 |
| 5. | The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to peter ' s progress 小债务的不断累积对彼得的发展是一个绊脚石。 |
| 6. | Start with your smallest debt first and chip away at it until it ' s gone 从你最小的帐单开始,在你还清帐目以后从账本上划掉它。 |
| 7. | The steady accumulation of small debts was a ball and chain to his progress 不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展不断累积的小债务妨碍了他的发展。 |
| 8. | Far from saving anything , he was even running up some small debts to satisfy his mothers exigencies 他不仅攒不了钱,而且为了满足母亲的要求,又借了几笔小债。 |
| 9. | Small debts are like small shot ; they are rattling on every side , and can scarcely be escaped without a wound 小额债务就像小子弹扫射,从四面八方擦身而过,人们很难毫发无损地逃离险境。 |
| 10. | S arms . m . morrel paid the expenses of his funeral , and a few small debts the poor old man had contracted 莫雷尔先生不仅负担了他的全部丧葬费,还把那可怜的老人生前所借的几笔小债也还清了。 |